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PSD to Mobile

UI & UX Design

PSD to Mobile Development Features

This package is simple: it is based on your designs and applied to apps and websites that suit mobile browsers. With your PSD in hand, we can enable your design to be align with iPhone versions 3-5, Android (versions 2.3 to 4.0), Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7. What’s more, your PSD to Mobile conversion will support mobile browsers including Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera. Essentially, this is an “all in one” PSD to Mobile conversion.

Keep in mind that your PSD should be created with PSD to Mobile conversions in mind, so on desktop browsers this PSD will end up being fixed width in the middle of the screen, or possibly liquid if you have that specific request. We’re looking for a width of approximately 320 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. The higher-resolution PSD helps us maintain a retina display feature of the layout that makes it appear smooth and professional.

Mobile Device Compatibility

Are you looking for an appealing look for your website? Our psd to mobile template conversion services offer secure themes which are aesthetically pleasing look on mobile platforms for your website.

100% Competitive Modules

We offers competitive modules for all the devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android devices, & Windows Phone 7.

Optimized Load Speed

Our template design process is aimed at offering your website an optimized load speed. Thus, we ensures that no user clicks back without visiting your page.


CSS preprocessors is a crucial coding standard that our experts put to use best in every project they accomplish. Share with us your requirements and we will work on those lines.

Compliance with W3C mobileOK Standard

Our coding is validated according to W3C’s mobile standards, allowing a degree of support across mobile devices.

Light-Weighted CSS

Light-Weighted CSS feature ensures optimal load speed & minimize errors. But we ensure that users will be impressed not only with the page speed, but also intuitive navigation as well.

Optional Features

jQuery Mobile Support

This HTML5-based UI is designed to make mobile-friendly HTML conversion and Apps for greater accessibility across a range of mobile and desktop devices.

Screen Readers Compatibility

What are screen readers? They’re simply audio interfaces that convert text into synthesized speech, allowing users to listen to web page content. This is a necessity for visually-impaired visitors.

Microformat / Schema Markup

Microformat and Schema are we-based markups that encode and extract various aspects on your webpage, including events, contact information, and social relationships. Google, Bing, and Yahoo often rely on this markup to improve the relevance of their search results.